京都大学工学研究科 化学工学専攻 移動現象論分野 前多研究室

Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Transport Phenomena, MAEDA Laboratory


研究内容 Research

Goal of our research

The physics and chemistry of equilibrium systems are governed by well-established laws of nature, providing a solid foundation for precise control and engineering applications. However, once we move beyond equilibrium, the fundamental principles of transport phenomena – such as turbulence – remain largely unknown. Living cells, for example, exhibit intricate pattern formation and spontaneous flows that do not occur at equilibrium, yet they achieve non-thermal active dynamics. Understanding and controlling these complex behaviors requires the study of systems that convert energy and information far from equilibrium.

Maeda Laboratory focuses on transport phenomena related to the flow of molecules, energy, and information. We conduct experiments, theoretical studies, and computational analyses on the physics of transport phenomena in soft matter and active matter, and the energetics of nanomachines. Furthermore, we aim to develop molecular control technologies utilizing transport phenomena and create novel materials capable of autonomously controlling flow, thereby expanding these innovations to contribute to chemical engineering.



Transport phenomena in non-equilibrium systems

In nonequilibrium systems, it is known that the spontaneous flow of matter and energy occurs and is converted into mechanical motion. Understanding the physical principles behind these phenomena has become a significant challenge in modern nonequilibrium physics—specifically, the physics of active matter.

At Maeda Laboratory, we aim to extend conventional transport phenomena theories to autonomous nonequilibrium systems by studying the turbulent dynamics of active matter using an integrated approach that combines experiments, theory, and computation. Our research focuses on the apparent disorder of turbulent flows and the underlying nontrivial order hidden within them. By analyzing vast amounts of data and uncovering fundamental principles, we explore new fields in transport phenomena for nonequilibrium systems, contributing to both physics and chemical engineering.



Biological physics of non-equilibrium systems

Motor proteins are high-performance nanoscale molecular motors that convert chemical energy into mechanical motion. These molecular motors not only regulate intracellular dynamics but can work through controlling the flow of energy.

At Maeda Laboratory, we study statistical physics and energetics of molecular motors and their associated complex. Furthermore, we have interests in the fundamental rule on the speed, location, and accuracy with which molecular motors and their assemblies transport materials. Our research can find an optimal transport phenomena that minimize unnecessary energy dissipation and to experimentally verify the physical principles that define optimal transport in biological systems.



Computational chemical engineering of non-equilibrium systems

Reduced modeling is effective for understanding simple non-equilibrium phenomena, but predictive methods powered by machine learning are becoming increasingly essential for uncovering more complex dynamics. At Maeda Laboratory, we utilize data science methodologies to push the boundaries of discovery.

By successfully combining the multipole expansion method with machine learning, we have classified spindle growth processes and uncovered previously unknown plasticity. Our research also focuses on well-controlled experimental systems, enabling us to explore a vast range of input conditions and analyze large-scale image data to develop predictive models.Driven by this motivation, we are building a robust pipeline for computational analysis of large-scale image data and advancing data science approaches to better understand complex transport phenomena.



Recent key publications  近年の主要論文