Kyoto University, Graduate School of
Engineering, Department of Chemical
Transport Phenomena
MAEDA Laboratory
Kyoto University, Graduate School of Engineering, Department of Chemical Engineering, Transport Phenomena, MAEDA Laboratory
We investigate transport phenomena related to the flow of molecules, energy, and information. Our mission is to explore fundamental physics to advance chemical engineering by experimental, theoretical, and computational approaches.
MAEDA Laboratory explores transport phenomena involving the flow of molecules, energy, and information across non-equilibrium systems—from colloidal particles and molecular motors to living cells. Our mission is to develop novel technologies that enable precise control of complex transport phenomena and computational prediction with a data-driven approach.
Non-equilibrium systems reveal a variety of fascinating transport phenomena, including molecular motors that achieve highly efficient energy conversion, chemical reaction systems that generate orderly patterns, and the collective motion of self-propelled microparticles and living cells. The intersection of physics and chemistry offers exciting new directions in fundamental science and chemical engineering.
more details about our research.